“We choose this way of life because it makes us feel connected.
Out here we have an abundance of food that comes from the earth
and natural processes of farming, ranching, and beekeeping.
That’s the earth I want to live in. My work is beautiful.”
– Aidan Wing, founder, Wings of Nature Bees
About Wings of Nature
Wings of Nature Bees has more than 200 hives tucked into the fog-rich farmland of San Mateo County, California. Our bees reside on farms that use organic practices that create healthful produce for family meals, while simultaneously investing nutrients back into the earth. In a symbiotic relationship, the bees contribute pollination to improve the yields of the farm without fertilizer, while the farm crops offer pollen and nectar back to the bees for raising healthy colonies and surplus honey. As part of the larger community of ranchers, farmers, and environmentalists in the area, Wings of Nature Bees is part of the ecosystem of resilience in Coastal California, working alongside many actors to ensure the health of the land and the bees and people on it.
With a decade of drought in California and the proliferation of mites and other challenges to sustainable agriculture, it’s essential that we continue to invest in honeybee health in all the ways that we can. Beekeeping in partnership with the earth and the bees themselves is a way of life.
As a full-service bee company, Wings of Nature imbues our philosophy in all we do. Whether pollinating only organic crops, bottling only raw pure honey, or teaching new beekeepers, Wings of Nature is committed to preserve these natural traditions for generations to come.
(For an in-depth article about Wings of Nature’s philosophy and approach, check out this 2022 article about Wings of Nature)

About Aidan
Aidan Wing started beekeeping in the Santa Cruz Mountains of California in 2008.
Growing up in nearby La Honda, Aidan knows the fields and forests that create the unique taste of California honeys. Informed by permaculture and agriculture and fishing practices from California to Alaska to Hawaii, Aidan’s Wings of Nature uses a mix of science, observation and “talking with the old timers” to inform his beekeeping.
Aidan hopes to pass on this dedication to the bees to his children, Jalani and Kiara, who visit the bees with Aidan throughout the year. Besides his own, Aidan’s favorite honey is salvia mellifera, a black sage honey from Big Sur in Carmel Valley.
Beyond being a beekeeper Aidan is also a musician, naturalist, cook , teacher, writer and gardener.
Wings of Nature in Photos
Photo 1 - Queen bee mating nucs high in the Santa Cruz Mountains. (Aidan Wing)
Photo 2 - Honey producing hives Hidden in the chaparral (Aidan Wing)
Photo 3 - Jalani Wing holding a full frame of honey, featured on the cover of Coastside Magazine (Adam Pardee)
Photo 4 - Solid brood and bees (Jenna Brager)
Photo 5 - Kiara, Jalani and Aidan inspecting hives in Hidden Valley Pescadero (Adam Pardee)
Photo 6 - Queen bee on comb (Jenna Brager)
Photo 7 - Aidan sits with his bees and his '97 Ford F250 - 7.3 of course (Jenna Brager)
Photo 8 - Aidan and a young Kiara take a break on the flatbed. Kiara wearing her favorite beekeeping attire of the time (Colleen Collins)
Photo 9 -Jalani holds a hatching queen bee. Welcome to life lil' queen (Aidan Wing)